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Geaux R.E.D.


In the fall of 2009, the Student Government Association (SGA) recognized a need for the UL Lafayette campus to become more sustainable. The first step SGA took was to create a Sustainability Committee run by its senators where they came up with events, starting with recycling old notes at the end of the semester with door prizes as incentives for part. As an homage to the Cajun culture and UL's campus, the program was named Geaux R.E.D., which stands for Recycle Everything (you can) Daily. Using the Ragin’ Cajun spelling of “geaux” and the school’s signature red, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette could be green and stay true to its roots.

In the fall of 2010 the Office of Sustainability used Foster and Martin halls as test areas to gauge the impact of recycling, secretly weighing the daily waste of each building before implementing a campus-wide program. Foster Hall reduced its daily waste by 10 percent, and Martin Hall reduced its daily waste by 48 percent.

The Program

The Geaux R.E.D. program is a single stream service. Accepted materials include: paper, bottle-shaped plastic, aluminum, and flattened cardboard. All materials must be clear of food and liquids before placing them in the Geaux R.E.D. bag or bin. The Geaux R.E.D. bag is provided by the Office of Sustainability for offices on campus. These bags are made from recycled plastic and are durable, collapsible, and can be recycled after they are no longer needed.

Geaux R.E.D. bags are serviced daily by ABM campus custodians. If there are any problems or questions with daily pick-up please contact the Office of Sustainability.

Once the recycling is collected from the Geaux R.E.D. bags, it is brought to green recycling dumpsters that are co-located with blue landfill dumpsters across campus.

If your operations require special accommodations, please contact the Office of Sustainability. We are here to make this work for you!

Resident Hall Recycling

For Baker, Bonin, Coronna, and Huger Halls, recycling zones are located in the trash room on each floor of the dormitory. As a resident, you are responsible for emptying your recyclables into the green recycling containers as you do for your trash in blue landfil containers. If you have larger items that need to be recycled, please place them inside the first floor trash room next to the recycling bins.