Sustainability and Engagement is in our Roots.
At the turn of the 20th century, the first president of the University, Dr. Edwin Lewis Stephens, hand-planted live oaks on campus. Now known as the Century Oaks, these majestic trees symbolize UL Lafayette’s strength and stability. Our University’s values are deeply rooted in the Cajun and Creole cultures of our Acadiana region. These values strongly connect us to our environment and communities, and influence our inclination toward collaboration to solve problems. We value the right of each person to have the resources he or she needs to live and thrive. At a time when resource and economic efficiency is more important than ever, we must all commit to do more, together.
Our 2018-2021 Sustainability Strategic Plan sets out strategic, time constrained objectives that will guide the entire University community in continuing our steady progress toward achieving our sustainability goals. Faculty, staff, students, and administrators worked together to incorporate principles of sustainability and strategies for progress into all areas of our institution, including our operations, our mission of education and research, and engagement of our campus community. In working to achieve our goals, we will utilize our campus and region as a living laboratory to inform and inspire our students, faculty, staff and community to create positive, systemic changes for a sustainable future. This plan is holistic, ambitious, and essential to the sustainability of our institution and community.
View this Sustainability and Community Engagement Presentation learn more about the sustainability initiatives, events, volunteer opportunities, and resources at UL Lafayette.