Bee Campus U.S.A.
Our University has been recognized by the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation as a Bee Campus U.S.A university for the first year in 2022!
To earn the Bee Campus U.S.A. designation, UL Lafayette enacted a range of programs and initiatives:
- Establish a bee campus usa advisory committee
- Create and enhance pollinator habitat on campus
- Reduce the use of pesticides with an IPM
- Offer courses or continuing education opportunities that incorporate pollinator conservation
- Distributed over 1000 native wildflower seeds to incoming students
- Created student service-learning projects to develop and enhnace pollinator habitats
- Planted native pollinator urban prairies and bioswales at several locations on campus
- Display signage focused on pollinator conservation.
Native Plant List
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette grows its own plants that are planted on campus. Native plants used in landscaping projects are grown at the UL Lafayette Ecology Center.
View the 2023 Native Plant List: Native Plant List
2023 Bee Campus Projects
In 2023, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette planted 533 Native Plants on campus with the help of 113 volunteers.
View the 2023 List of Projects: Project List
Pollinator Locations on Campus
- Billeaud Hall Monarch Garden
- Billeaud Hall LA Certified Habitat
- Urban Cajun Prairie / Bioswale
- Butterfly Garden and Community Garden at Cajun Village
- Bourgeois Park Coulee Planting
- Fletcher Hall Raingarden
- Wharton Hall Bioswale The first bioswale on campus was planted in 2016
- Student Union Raingarden
- Hamilton Hall Pollinator Gardens - In progress as of 2025
- UL Lafayette Science Museum Pollinator Gardens
- Cabbage Patch Vegetable Garden Lab (Blue House off Coliseum Rd)
- Pollinator Habitat Lab next to the Cabbage Patch (Blue House off Coliseum Rd)
- Pollinator Habitat Lab at First Presbyterian Church
- Recently Completed: Judice Rickels Butterfly/Bioswale
- Recently Completed with help from Acadiana Native Plant Project: Hilliard Pollinator Garden/ Rain Garden
- Louisiana Master Gardener's Demonstration Gardens behind the Ira Nelson Center
- Iris Nelsonii, "Abbeville Red Iris" Planting at Cypress Lake
- Ecology Center has a variety of plantings and the Cajun Prairie Seed Bank
Protected Managed Landscapes Maps