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Storm Water Management Plan(SWMP) and MS4

On April 30, 2003, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette was declared a co-permittee to discharge storm water under a general permit issued to the Lafayette Consolidated Government (“LCG”) by Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”). As a co-permittee, UL Lafayette is designated as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (“MS4”). The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a Co-permittee with LCG. As a Co-permittee, the MS4 is relying on another government entity to satisfy some permit obligations. Other Co-Permittees are the Lafayette regional airport and the cities/towns of Scott, Youngsville, Carencro, Duson, and Lafayette. Areas of UL Lafayette are located in Lafayette, St. Martin, Acadia, and Iberia Parishes. However, only University property within Lafayette Parish is included in the urbanized areas identified as a MS4 by DEQ. ​

As of December 2024, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette's New Iberia Research Center's (NIRC) campus began the process to become a co-permittee of New Iberia Parish. As a co-permittee, UL Lafayette NIRC would designated as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (“MS4”) and has a Stormwater Management Plan. Other Co-Permittees are the City of New Iberia, Village of Loreauville, and Iberia Parish. 

The Office of Sustainability managages the University's SWMP and MS4 Permit. A good rule of thumb to remember is "only rain down the drain". If you have any questions or have any violations to report please contact Blair Begnaud

What is a MS4- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System?

According to 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8), "municipal separate storm sewer means a convenance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains :under section 208 of the Clean Water Act, that discharges into waters of the United States. A MS4 is not only a system of underground pipes, but can include roads with drainage systems, gutters, and ditches. ​The University is responsible for best management practices by tracking measurable goals on University property in Lafayette Parish and by engaging with the campus community.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette's latest : Annual Report 

What is a Storm Water Management Plan ( SWMP )?

A SWMP is a plan that addresses the long-term effect of development on storm water quantity or quality and satisfies the requirement for post- construction water quality maintenance in an EPA or LDEQ storm water discharge general permit. This Stormwater Management Plan (“SWMP”) is a “living” document intended to be revised and updated as needed, but at a minimum, annually. The University's SWMP primary goals are to reduce pollutant discharges, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements and the Clean Water Act. To meet these goals, the stormwater program ensures that stormwater quality management policies and best management practices will be implemented by the University.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette's latest : Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)


Grass clippings and leaves blown or swept into storm drains or into the street harms waterways and our river and is not allowed. Anything that is not rainwater is not allowed in the storm drains, coulees, ditches, or waterways. This is regulated by multiple laws and violators could be fined. Applicable laws and ordinances is 1972's Clean Water Act 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq., 2006 Louisiana Law - RS 30:2531, and LCG's Stormwater Ordinance. For more resources about our local watershed and best practices please visit LCG's Water Quality Information Website.

Keep in mind that gitter is litter. Non-biodegradable confetti and glitter is not allowed on campus. Small litter like confetti and glitter is hard to pick up and will often make its way into local stom water systems and waterways. When litter gets into the local stormwater system it leads to the Vermilion Bayou in Lafayette which then leads to the Gulf of Mexico. We must protect our waterways from litter and other pollunants. 

Litter in waters can prevent beneficial uses, lead to flooding issues, degrade habitats and harm wildlife, and may endanger people's health. Illicit discharge is any discharge to a storm drain that is not composed entirely of stormwater. If you see stormwater contaminants or someone intentionally littering or dumping anything into campus drains, coulees, or in Cypress Lake please contact Blair Begnaud or call 337-482-0054.

Storm Drain Art Program: LCG's Storm Drain Art Program 

Campus Storm Drain Art:

Drains to Bayou by Dirk Guidry, St. Mary Blvd at the Dupré Library (2018)

Critter Cleanup by Trevor Navarre, Reinhardt Dr. entry to Cajun Field (2019)